Thursday, 19 August 2010


Today someone asked me...

What should I wear to go mountain climbing?
Can I wear jeans?

Every time I've climbed I've seen so many people wearing different things...
but what do you think about this?

River Island top
Diesel cargo pants
Merrell hiking boots
Marc by Marc sunnies

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Concert Wear... Summer Sonic

A&F Floral Print Dress
DIESEL Magnete sneakers in denim
DIESEL black waistpouch worn across the shoulder

Summer Festivals are very hot and humid in Tokyo so in your mind the best footwear seems to be the handy flip and flop.
BUT with the flip flops you can't jump and down to the sounds of The Offspring or bust a move to the sounds of Jay Z without worrying about having the next person stamp on your feet.

So as stuffy as it was sometimes inside the sneaker I think that this was my best outfit so far for the Summer Sonic Festival!

AND its also good if you tie a hanky on your wrist to wipe the pouring sweat!